Friday, March 21, 2008

Creative What???

We all can attest to the fact that music isn't the same as it used to be. Nothing is original anymore. For once I'd like to hear an artist who's tried something new. Hell, there are a few but it takes so much effort that I get bogged down by the monotonous sounding bands out there. I could go on and on about this topic but that's not really what I'm going for here. If there's such a lack of creativity in the music who's to say there isn't a lack of creativity in the artwork as well. I'm not going to get into specific details here I'll just simply post the picture of an old Ryan Adams record called Rock n' Roll and a new Bryan Adams record called 11 (by the way, Ryan Adams also had a record called 29 so Bryan seems to be stealing not only record covers but title ideas) Here you go folks, use your own judgment.

Unknown Legend out!

Ryan Adams

Bryan Adams

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Excuses Excuses

You can ask anyone I talk to all I do is complain and complain about the city of Toronto council. However, I'm not going to rant and rave about potholes or the fact that the people in the Queen Street fire were just left on the street like vagabonds by the city. Nope not today. I have other things regarding the city to gripe about. There's an elderly couple that have had problems with a tree on their street where the roots are damaging the plumbing in their house. They have asked the city to chop the tree down as it has cost them $17,000 in damages. The city of Toronto has declined. Saying, they can't chop down a tree because we need as many trees as possible blah blah blah....hippie talk! So the other day a developer spoke to the city about tearing down over 300 trees to build a condo near the Old Mill Hotel. What did the city do?? City = jumped at the opportunity. So, is there a double standard???? Of course there is. If you have money you can do anything. Now the city has backtracked because of all the media attention and told the couple if they can come up with $10,000 the tree will be cut down. Unbelievable. Well, not only that but now the city has decided to close down 40 skating rinks just in time for March break. Quite intelligent don't you say? What does councilor Adam Vaughan say about it? "We don't have any money." WAH WAH WAH!!! I'm sick and tired of hearing about how the city has no money and how we as taxpayers should be breaking down the door to Queen's Park (provincial) or Parliament Hill (federal) to ask them for money to bail out the city. If the city could budget as well as they cry we'd be in a good spot. Oh, and rumours are we'll see gas prices hit $1.40 fairly soon. Boy, if we're not screwed now we will be then. To quote the Vampire Weekend: "No excuse to be so callous."
