Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maybe It's Me...

But I just don't get it. I don't for the love of everything sane in this world understand the whole fascination with the Olympic games. I mean, I might have enjoyed them in the past. Back before multi million dollar corporations took over. I mean, the games now are simply all about making money. "Let's get the games and our city will be flowing with cash!" Ridiculous. Oh, and by the way, who are some of these guys carrying the torch? People who paid pretty penny to get their name chosen? Well, the whole thing really got me thinking late this evening. I went out to get some fresh air and take a bit of a break from work only to notice Yonge street lined with people all the way to Queen street waiting for the Olympic torch pass through. I could only stand there and shake my head. I wonder if these individuals realize it's a piece of metal with fire coming out of it. Metal and Fire! What on earth is the big deal? Is it just me? I don't know, but if it was up to me I'd prefer to go home and cuddle up by television set with my girlfriend and watch a good movie instead of standing in minus some odd temperature waiting for a guy to come running down the street with fire in his hand.

It kind of questions what we really stand for. We as a city have been blasted with tax after tax after tax, garbage strikes, wreckless spending, oh I can go on and on and still for some odd reason we never stand up to say enough is enough. However, when the Olympic torch comes to town we all unify under one umbrella. Silly if you really think about it. If we put half the effort into things that are really important instead of the Olympics, the Leafs, and Team Canada we would be one hell of a city. Unfortunately, that will never happen...and that's a shame. The Pan Am games are coming to Toronto very soon. Another ridiculous venture the City of Toronto went out on a limb to get. Now, when our city is having a hard enough time keeping swimming pools open for children to swim in because we have no money, we're going to build new swimming pools for a games nobody is going to come to. Hmmm, I wonder what happens when the Pan Am games are over? You see, common sense tells me we won't have enough money to keep those pools open either. Maybe common sense is something that's lacking in our leaders.