Friday, March 21, 2008

Creative What???

We all can attest to the fact that music isn't the same as it used to be. Nothing is original anymore. For once I'd like to hear an artist who's tried something new. Hell, there are a few but it takes so much effort that I get bogged down by the monotonous sounding bands out there. I could go on and on about this topic but that's not really what I'm going for here. If there's such a lack of creativity in the music who's to say there isn't a lack of creativity in the artwork as well. I'm not going to get into specific details here I'll just simply post the picture of an old Ryan Adams record called Rock n' Roll and a new Bryan Adams record called 11 (by the way, Ryan Adams also had a record called 29 so Bryan seems to be stealing not only record covers but title ideas) Here you go folks, use your own judgment.

Unknown Legend out!

Ryan Adams

Bryan Adams

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pete! (I read your blog! are you surpised??)
don't blame the musicians! It's not there faults! All that blandness coming out is thanks to big record companies praying they can save their asses with hit records. Same goes for the album art. they get their marketing teams to create something that will catch yer eyes and make you buy buy buy.
what are you listening to these days anyway? You live in toronto you can go to a sweet show every day of the week! There is so much inovation in toronto! Leave HMV and go to some shows!!!!
