Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Need Of Release

Wow, it's been over 4 months since I last posted on the time flies. It was summer and now it's autumn turning winter. Gosh, soon we'll have snow on the ground. I sat and thought today, hell you know what...I gotta blog. People probably have been wondering what I've been up to. Well not a whole lot. Got a new job and I'm moving into a new place (although I'm not sure as of yet when that is) Anyways, I'm babbling on and on about stuff. I was thinking the other day how much I missed the summer. I don't know, something about the summer makes you think everything the world is going to be ok. No matter what comes your way, as long as there's summer you'll always be safe. It's weird. I mean, I was born in the summer so that might have something to do with it or maybe it's the warmth and happiness of children playing in the sprinkler or eating ice cream cones. I started to feel a bit of sadness with the upcoming cold weather until I started thinking back to a summer not too long ago.

School was ending soon and I was in my graduating class at high school. My teacher decided that he was going to get rid of his CD collection - distribute it to the class. I thought that was kinda odd but maybe he was just at a point in his life where he didn't need CDs. We'd always talk music and I was fascinated with the California sound and Brian Wilson back then. Heck I even did a project in his class on Brian and the Beach Boys. To tell you the truth I don't think the kids in the class understood what I was going on and on about...but Mr. Lloyd did. He knew about Brian inside and out and even gave me some tips on my presentation. Anyways, he started giving out his CDs and the one I ended up getting was Bruce Cockburn. Now, I was too familiar with Bruce's work although I did like a song here and there. One of the girls in the class however got an album with a guy coming out of the water on it. It looked so awesome. Like a new life almost. She didn't want it and I ended up getting it off of her. The album was Jackson Browne's I'm Alive. I remember that summer listening to it in my backyard while I put suntan lotion on and tanned in the backyard. The CD case still has fingerprints from the lotion I put on. Those fingerprints are a memory I'll never forget. The good times, the easier times. When life wasn't so stressful and all you needed on a summer's day was a great tune and some sun.

My teacher ended up dying. I don't know if he knew he was going to or not or if he wanted us to hear some great music and make an impact on our lives. He did leave me one thing though, one thing I'll never forget and that's the music of Jackson Browne. Even the video makes me feel happy. In a world where people are looking for money and power, isn't it nice to think of times when all you needed was a song?

Unknown Legend...Out!


Anonymous said...

Happiness suits you so much better than melancholy, p. Keep it up, its refreshing.
This entry reminds me of the song by hawksley workman "we will still need a song". Music is so life altering. Its great.

Anonymous said...

The importance of music in life...I think everyone can relate to that. I'm not sure that much of today's music can have that much of an impact on people's lives but I can't speak for everyone else. I know that Mr Lloyd was a great man and not only did he provide you with lasting memories in class, but that grade 10 year was my best memory of high school.

RIP Mr. Lloyd and thank you!