Tuesday, July 31, 2007

755 And So On

How will he be remembered? I find myself asking that question a lot. In a time where heroes are not what they seem we have a man about to become baseball's greatest home run hitter who is anything but honest. It's been an interesting few weeks in baseball. We have seen Mr. Bonds come to within one homer of tying Henry Aaron's all time home run record. We've also seen the great Hank Aaron tell the media he is not interested in attending any celebrations if and when Barry Bonds does break his record. Maybe it's Aaron snubbing Bonds or maybe he just continues to do it with the class that he always had. You see, when Aaron passed the Babe's home run record he downplayed it to the best of his ability. Class all the way. This past week also saw two greats get inducted into the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. The great Tony Gwynn and Orioles shortstop Cal Ripkin Jr. Two men the likes Major League Baseball will never see again. With more and more players being accused of steroid use everyday there's no wonder it seems the great game has deteriorated so. Barry is not the only one trying to make history tonight. Tom Glavine is on the mound tonight hoping to pick up the 300th win of his career and A-Rod is looking to hit home run number 500. Making him the youngest player to ever reach that mark. However, there just seems to be something missing. Glavine has always been a great pitcher and he's been around since the beginning of time so he's one of the good guys. A-Rod can be a punk but boy can that guy hit. There is no doubt Bonds will break Aaron's record...whether it will happen tonight or not that's yet to be decided. You see, San Fran would rather Bonds hit it at home instead of in L.A. where Barry's loathed. If justice prevails, he will hit it in Los Angeles and the crowd will boo. So he'll break the record, then A-Rod will follow and he'll break Bonds' record and who knows, maybe even Albert Pujols after him. However, the blame for the steriod conspiracy and the fact that Barry has a chance to break Aaron's record rests solely on the shoulders of MLB Commissioner Bud Selig. He's the guy who did nothing when guys were running around hitting the roids. No tests, nothing. Now he has the balls to say he is not going to attend Bonds' record breaking homer (which he has since retracted) In a time where heroes are quickly disappearing, we can only look to the skies. A banner in Philly recently greeted Barry Bonds:

"The Babe did it with hot dogs and beer, Hank Aaron did it with class. How did you do it?"

Indeed. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?

Unknown Legend

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Summer Of Death

Well, it was bound to happen. 2 years ago in our lovely city for all those who live outside the 416 and 905 we had what was classified as the Year of the Gun. The numbers were staggering. By the same time 2 years ago Toronto saw 205 people hit with bullets. The politicians will tell you this year is a tame year compared to 2005 because we've only seen 122 shooting victims. However, the number of people killed in shootings this year surpasses 2005's mark. 23 deaths this year compared to 20 in the Year of the Gun. The latest, 11 year old Ephraim Brown who was sitting on a fence at a friend's birthday party when a stray bullet hit him in the neck, killing him. So this is where you expect the leaders of our city, province and country to stand up and say "Enough is enough" right? However, it seems to have become and finger pointing parade as to who is responsible for the violence in our city. Mayor Miller and Attorney General Michael Bryant seem to believe this is a handgun issue and are asking the federal government to ban handguns. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. You ban legal handguns, and I'm sure the guns the criminals are using are legal right? Come on! Again, these guys are so out of touch they have absolutely no clue where to begin. Where you begin is where they are afraid to begin. Let's take a look at where the problem is coming from. Handguns? Partly. Borders to the United States should monitored more closely to make sure illegal handguns are not coming over the border. This however is the main reason. The problem is that within the Jamaican community there are certain gangs that are making it difficult for residents of Toronto to live in the city they love. That's the main reason. Now, I have a lot of Jamaican friends don't get me wrong here, Jamaican people are fantastic folks however, in Jamaica there are a number of gangs and somehow they are making their way into Toronto and causing the gun violence. Not only that, our laws have to be tougher. Criminals should not be getting bail and being freed after shooting someone. One of the guys who killed young Ephraim Brown was charged with attempted murder of a 4 year old just two years ago. So, he was charged with attempted murder and released to strike violence again...just two years ago?! The federal government and the provincial government are at fault for not stiffening sentences however, Miller is so afraid to stay politically correct that he can't even admit the problem. He will not say it's a Jamaican gang issue because he is afraid of the backlash. But, isn't that what a leader should do. Stand up and say what's right even if he knows it's not the popular thing to do...yes but then again, I could have told you about Miller just 3 and a half years ago...if only you listened Toronto.

Unknown Legend

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ta(n)x But No Ta(n)x

I could write their names a million times on this page and you still wouldn't know who they were, but sometimes out of the darkness there comes a hero and in some cases two who stand up for something they believe in and save the day. There are two such heroes in Toronto today. Sure they're not sports figures or individuals who have started programs for unemployed youth but that's not the point. Their names are Brian Ashton and Suzan Hall...and like many before them they will be punished for their beliefs. It looked bad, Mayor David Miller had his whole council brainwashed into believing it would be beneficial to the city of Toronto to add a land transfer tax (to people buying new homes) and a new 60 dollar vehicle registration fee. In the 3 1/2 years this man has been in power of this democratic dictatorship (if that's what you want to call it) he has never lost a vote on a key issue...until last night. I sat at the radio station watching the television wonder what would become of my city if this tax got passed. Everyone knew it was inevitable. Miller had the majority of his colleagues behind him, or so we thought. The question was whether the new taxes should be implemented or would the decision be put on hold till October 22 when the provincial election would take place (on October 10) In an amazing turn of events Miller and his followers lost 23-22. It was like something out of a fairytale and the reason behind it all...Councilors Brian Ashton and Suzan Hall, Mayor Miller's followers. If I know Miller like I think I know Miller he will make their lives a living hell. He has to councilor Rob Ford and Doug Holyday. In an age where people are afraid to speak their minds it's refreshing to see these councilors do the right thing. I wish I could say the same for my councilor Gloria Lindsay Luby. Who in all honesty isn't really my councilor cause I didn't vote for her and she really hasn't done anything for my area. People, we are being taxed to death here. Why don't Miller and his sheep take a pay hike? Well, they don't want it to come out of their pockets. They keep complaining Toronto has no money (the biggest city in Canada no money?) yet Miller just renovated his office for 2 million dollars. Hmmmm?!!? There are two problems here:
1) Toronto councilors spend a lot of money and then complain there is no money for the city...so how bout not spending money willy nilly.

2) Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty gave Miller and his crew the power to tax us when they wanted under the new City of Toronto Act...so remember this come October 10.

Here is a list of those who voted, remember who your councilors are so you can vote them out next time around:


1. Brian Ashton
2. Maria Augimeri
3. Mike Del Grande
4. Mike Feldman
5. Rob Ford
6. Mark Grimes
7. Suzan Hall
8. Doug Holyday
9. Cliff Jenkins
10. Chin Lee
11. Peter Milczyn
12. Denzl Minnan-Wong
13. Ron Moeser
14. Francis Nunziata
15. Case Oates
16. Cesar Palacio
17. John Parker
18. Anthony Perruzza
19. Bill Saundercook
20. David Shiner
21. Karen Stinz
22. Michael Thompson
23. Michael Walker


1. Paul Ainslie
2. Sandra Bussin
3. Shelley Carroll
4. Raymond Cho
5. Janet Davis
6. Glen De Baeremaeker
7. Frank Di Giorgio
8. John Filion
9. Paula Fletcher
10. Adam Giambrone
11. Adrian Heaps
12. Norm Kelly
13. Gloria Lindsay Luby
14. Giorgio Mammoliti
15. Pam McConnell
16. Joe Mihevc
17. David Miller
18. Howard Moscoe
19. Joe Pantalone
20. Gord Perks
21. Kyle Rae
22. Adam Vaughan

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Fall Of A Giant

Not only Toronto but the world lost a great man this week, one of which we will not see for many a year. "Honest" Ed Mirvish, the man who brought theatre to Toronto passed away at the age of 92. Many will remember him for his discount store on the corner of Bloor and Bathurst, but it was more than simply a discount store. Many immigrants who began their lives in Toronto, who came here with not a dime to their name shopped at Honest Ed's. It was a place where they could buy bowls and dishes for under a dollar, and for that they will be eternally grateful. He was a man who wanted everyone to be able to live with dignity and decency. I remember being a little guy and my mom taking me to this huge store on the corner of Bloor and Bathurst with what seemed to be a million lightbulbs. I was in awe. I remember my brother and I running up and down the stairs of the huge store, getting lost and eventually meeting up in the toy section. For me, Ed had a special spot. Still, that's only one story of many the man gave us. How about how he saved the Royal Alexandra Theatre in 1963 from demolition then brought us the musicals The Lion King, Les Miserables and so many more. Or how about the phenomenal birthday party he used to throw for himself ever year and invite everyone in Toronto to. My favourite however, would have to be where every Christmas he would give out free turkeys to whoever wanted to come by his store. You see, he understood what it was like not to have a lot. His immigrant parents came here with nothing and after his father died Ed had to drop out of school at the age of 15 to help his mother with the family grocery store.

In a world where businessmen walk over anyone and everyone to make it to the top, it was refreshing to see a man come from rags to riches only to give it all back to the people he loved. The lightbulbs on his discount store will be out for a few days and the music that plays in the hallways will be silenced. He used to have some great slogans on his store. One I remember was "Honest Ed is for the birds, his prices are cheap...cheap...cheap." If they were ever to put a new one up I found this idea from someone to be quite amazing: "Ed may be up in heaven, but his prices are still down to earth." I figured he would have liked that.

I think I need to stop by Honest Ed's this week.

Unknown Legend

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Buck Stops Here

The disappointment started about a week back. The dreaded sign in front of the Tim Hortons cash register which read "Effective July 9 2007, we will be raising our prices in order to stay competitive." My heart sank. This was it, this was the last straw. I'm a big coffee drinker, and when I mean big I don't mean I drink 2 cups a day. There are days I can have about 5 cups in my system before the noon hour comes along. So as you can probably tell, I did not take too kindly to this increase. I haven't popped by a Hortons since the robbery began, but from what I've heard large double-doubles are increasing from 1.40 to 1.47. Seven cents. For a cup of coffee? Yes it's true, you can pay up to a few bucks for a Starbuck's coffee but why would you want to? It's coffee. You know what coffee is? Beans and water. My problem really is the fact that Hortons wants us to believe they can't stay competitive without a rise in prices. That's absolute nonsense. If anybody should be raising prices it should companies like Coffee Time. Yes our American friends, their coffee tastes like soap and they're closing more than opening these days. Hortons is the biggest coffee chain in Canada. Instead of closing down, more and more are popping up as I'm writing this blog.

Well, the buck stops here...literally. Tim Hortons will not be getting my money. Unfortunately, you lost me when you tried to scam a loyal coffee drinker. Maybe it'll be good for me. I can finally begin to cut down on my coffee intake...oh wait, there's always McDonald's.

Unknown Legend

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I Taught Myself How To Grow Old

I've come to a realization within the past few weeks...I'm old. Well, at least I'm getting old. I think it really hit me when I was in Ottawa this past weekend. Young kids in their 20's running around, getting drunk as if the whole Canada Day celebration was spring break. When did it become that? Maybe it's always been that way but now I'm just so old it's easier to notice it or is it simply just a state of mind? Is it possible that I'm in a space these days where I simply want to get a good job and settle down with a family? Well, I still like to have a few drinks but getting rowdy and smashing beer bottles over our heads just isn't an option these days. The big 3-0 is just around the corner and I can't even remember where the years went. It's been a decade plus 2 years now since I finished high school. Where on earth does the time go?

Ryan Adams once said, "Where we are flesh and blood by the next one we are dust under the wheels."

Scary isn't it?