Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Summer Of Death

Well, it was bound to happen. 2 years ago in our lovely city for all those who live outside the 416 and 905 we had what was classified as the Year of the Gun. The numbers were staggering. By the same time 2 years ago Toronto saw 205 people hit with bullets. The politicians will tell you this year is a tame year compared to 2005 because we've only seen 122 shooting victims. However, the number of people killed in shootings this year surpasses 2005's mark. 23 deaths this year compared to 20 in the Year of the Gun. The latest, 11 year old Ephraim Brown who was sitting on a fence at a friend's birthday party when a stray bullet hit him in the neck, killing him. So this is where you expect the leaders of our city, province and country to stand up and say "Enough is enough" right? However, it seems to have become and finger pointing parade as to who is responsible for the violence in our city. Mayor Miller and Attorney General Michael Bryant seem to believe this is a handgun issue and are asking the federal government to ban handguns. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. You ban legal handguns, and I'm sure the guns the criminals are using are legal right? Come on! Again, these guys are so out of touch they have absolutely no clue where to begin. Where you begin is where they are afraid to begin. Let's take a look at where the problem is coming from. Handguns? Partly. Borders to the United States should monitored more closely to make sure illegal handguns are not coming over the border. This however is the main reason. The problem is that within the Jamaican community there are certain gangs that are making it difficult for residents of Toronto to live in the city they love. That's the main reason. Now, I have a lot of Jamaican friends don't get me wrong here, Jamaican people are fantastic folks however, in Jamaica there are a number of gangs and somehow they are making their way into Toronto and causing the gun violence. Not only that, our laws have to be tougher. Criminals should not be getting bail and being freed after shooting someone. One of the guys who killed young Ephraim Brown was charged with attempted murder of a 4 year old just two years ago. So, he was charged with attempted murder and released to strike violence again...just two years ago?! The federal government and the provincial government are at fault for not stiffening sentences however, Miller is so afraid to stay politically correct that he can't even admit the problem. He will not say it's a Jamaican gang issue because he is afraid of the backlash. But, isn't that what a leader should do. Stand up and say what's right even if he knows it's not the popular thing to do...yes but then again, I could have told you about Miller just 3 and a half years ago...if only you listened Toronto.

Unknown Legend

1 comment:

Rebecca Foster said...

You know what Pete? When I realized any vacation I went on this past Spring was most likely going to be on my own, I picked Canada purposefully because I figured it was the safest place a single female could travel to alone. I still feel that way. I know it's funny in Canada to think Americans believe Canadians live in igloos and all of that, but in reality, most Americans I know think of Canada is a safe and friendly place with good beer and pot and outdoor activities. I'd hate to see any of your cities becoming just another big North American city with lots of crime problems. The border situation? Is tough for me. Both sides should regulated to make sure laws in each country are being followed. i.e. our guns should not be crossing the border. I think that's very fair. I just hope we all still feel welcome on both sides of it as people.