Friday, August 31, 2007

Am I Missing Something?

I've always been somewhat of a fan of celebrity. Not the typical Brad and Angelina garbage you see on t.v. I'm talking about people who have done something to become famous not become famous because they're good looking or rich. I have met many famous people in my life. Gordon Lightfoot, Ian Tyson, Joe Flaherty. I was even friends with Corey Haim for the longest time. The list goes on and on but there is one person who I never met, who became very famous and I can't for the life of me understand why. The late Princess Diana. What on earth was it that made the whole world stop and watch this lady stroll up and down through war torn countries? Is it because she was a normal girl who married into royalty? Is that every woman's fantasy? I have a dislike for the royal family as a whole. Just because a bunch of people have money doesn't mean a whole lot in my books. Wouldn't it be nice if all of us could sit on our asses and do jack all day and be respected by so many Brits...but I digress. It's the 10 year anniversary of Diana's death and people everywhere are lighting candles and placing flowers in her name. When did Diana become a saint? In my opinion Diana's fame brought on the likes of paparazzi favourites Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan. Just to name a few. She began our tabloid love affair with the rich and famous. If there's anything she's to be remembered's that.

Unknown Legend

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Enough With The Political Correctness

I've never been a big fan of political correctness, in fact I think it's one of the reasons this world (or at least North America) is in the shape that it's in. So let's take today's story for a second. The Texas Rangers set a Major League Baseball record last night. For the first time in 110 years a team has scored 30 runs. The Rangers in fact beat the Baltimore Orioles last night 30-3. For all you non baseball fans, trust me, they pretty much demolished the Orioles. Ok, to make things clearer, the Rangers ended up with more runs (30) than outs (27 = 3 outs every inning for nine innings) Now, many politically correct individuals will tell you that there should be a mercy rule in effect so that play is stopped after a certain amount of runs are scored or that the team scoring all the runs should lighten up on the opposing team. Guys like Don Cherry and the likes will tell you it's "good sportsmanship"to do that...hogwash! Sometimes in life things don't necessarily go the way you wanted them to. There are disappointments. How can we expect our children to learn that life isn't always easy when they're getting destroyed in a softball or t-ball game and one of the teams is told not to try so hard? Not to try so hard? I don't know about you but I was always taught to go hard or go home. So the Orioles got their asses handed to them last night (twice actually), I'm sure they thought long and hard about how poorly they played but you know what, they have to do it all over again today with another team. They have to refocus and go out and play their hearts out. Reminds me of a song from a while back by Chumbawamba. It went, "I get knocked down but I get up again you're never gonna keep me down" just like in life you may get bruised but never beaten.

Unknown Legend

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Waxing Nostalgia

It's only days away. The end of summer, well not exactly, but the symbol to the end of summer...the grand old lady...The Canadian National Exhibition. The Ex is a symbol of some of the better times in my life. The years I played in a marching band during the Warrior's Day Parade, the year Manny and I tried to pick up two young ladies sitting in chairs near us, the year Mike won a video game by throwing a football, the time I met my cousin's future husband Dave. Or how about when PC cola was 25 cents or when I beat Mike to become the champion at whack-a-mole (a title he has since regained), the concerts I've seen or even those great gourmet lollipops. There has been talk about putting an end to the Ex. People say it's not as fun as it used to be. Well ladies and gentlemen, things have changed and the Ex has changed with the times. Although, I still love walking through the midway or simply taking a stroll through the many buildings that have brought so many smiles to children's faces I miss those cable cars that my dad used to take me on that took us all the way across to the other side of the Ex. I will walking down those same streets on Saturday, the ones I have many times before. Or should I say marching, you see I will be playing during the Warrior's Day Parade. If that's not enough reason to come hey, April Wine is playing a free show Saturday night. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Unknown Legend

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sometimes You Gotta Fight When You're A Man

There's a quote that Kenny Rogers once made famous a while back. No, it's not "you gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." Although, that is a good one. The one I'm thinking of is "Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man." A lot of people have been telling me I should control my temper because it's gonna get me in trouble one day, and maybe so. However, there are situations where one should stand up for what they believe in. If your significant other was being thrashed would you stand by and let it happen? No. So I cracked a smile this evening as I was listening to the Jays game in the back room at work. The reason behind it? Jays pitcher Josh Towers hit Alex Rodriguez in the leg. It was warranted. A while back Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) distracted 3rd baseman Howie Clark as he was rounding the bag which led to Clark dropping the pop up. That's classless. So the pitcher who's been struggling all season had to be the one to save face for the leaderless Jays.

Towers has been controversial all season. He was put in the starting rotation where he's struggled on and off all year. Not only that, but he openly criticized coach John Gibbons and the whole coaching staff as well as his teammates for not putting in 100 percent on the field. Although I wasn't the biggest fan of Josh Towers previously I am very proud of the young man tonight. He showed a lot of character by taking initiative and throwing at A-Rod and clearing the benches. On a team that seems to be short on leadership a young man has claimed the spot. Doc, Vernon and even guys like Frank Thomas have dropped the leadership ball. These are the guys who are supposed to step up and carry the team on their shoulders but they haven't done it this season and it's evident with Towers being the one who has to take things into his own hands. Bravo young man, you did us proud tonight.

Unknown Legend