Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Turn And Face The Strange

It has been said many times in book and in song but never so profoundly. All good things must come to an end. Friday will be known as and end of an era, the last of the great buffalo. Two major changes David Bowie would have a hard time swallowing. First, my tenure at AM 640 will end. It has been a great run but with all, a man must step aside and let another take his place. I have been showing the new guy the ropes. He'll do fine. As for me, well, I don't know where I'll be. This exit leaves a large gap in my daily existence. You see, this place has been home to me for the past little while and it feels as though I'm leaving my extended family. I will miss them all. Another door has been opened, one of a new fresh start but where will it lead? There has to be something beyond that horizon. My second departure is from my current place of employment. I am not leaving the company but simply changing locations. This though is also a huge step. Starting anew, wide eyed and bushy tailed as opposed to the cynical mess I have become. Changes all around me. Monday will be a new feeling all over again. The butterflies will come as they are known to do during these times. I wonder if that's how the earth feels. After all, the Ontario winter winds are not too far behind. Does our earth feel butterflies of change when the new weather nears? I will keep you posted on my whereabouts.

Unknown Legend

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