Friday, September 7, 2007

"Someday A Real Rain Will Come And Wash All This Scum Off The Streets"

Have you ever seen Taxi Driver? You know, the legendary movie that starred Bobby De Niro as Travis Bickle. Well, I've been feeling like ole Travis these days. No I don't want to drive hack but for those who haven't seen Taxi Driver it's not a good thing. I was driving down Queen Street last night I couldn't help but notice all the garbage and filth that has littered our streets, and I don't mean the garbage you think I mean. Junkies, hookers, crazies, you name it. Toronto has become disgusting to look at. That's at night. Today I was walking down Yonge Street in the middle of the afternoon and everywhere I looked I saw a freakin' crackhead. I think it's time we take a hard long look at what Toronto has become. I recently ran into an old friend of mine. I wondered why I hadn't seen him around town in a while, he told me he'd moved to Richmond Hill with his wife. They'd bought a new house and started their life over. He went on to tell me he was planning on having some children in the near future and there was no way in hell he was raising his kids in Toronto. It wasn't safe. It's not safe. It hasn't been safe in a while. I remember growing up and not having to worry if someone was going to come to my school with a shotgun and blow our heads off. Not that it only happens in Toronto mind you, but the other day a 13 year old kid brought a stun gun to school. Not just any stun gun, a 200,000 volt weapon, 4 times as powerful as the ones police officers carry. So where do we go from here? Who is at fault here? Parents? Have we as a society failed these people? I don't know. Ask David Miller, he seems to have all the answers, or was it Dalton McGuinty? I forgot.

Unknown Legend


Unknown said...

Its not as bad as it could be PK, but something should be done.. See ya at CFMJ next week...

Anonymous said...

Man, I work on Queen Street.

There are some crazy, crazy people down here. I walked past one today talking to himself and punching the air as hard as he could.

I don't blame anyone for not wanting to raise their kids among people like that.


Anonymous said...

Good post.