Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sick To Death Of Being Taxed To Death

I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for not blogging the way I said I would. Things have been pretty crazy this past while. Two jobs doesn't give you a lot of "you" time. It could be that or it could be the fact that me ranting constantly on and on about how our governments are screwing us is simply falling upon deaf ears. It's evident that people will vote the way they feel and there's nothing any of us can really do about it. In the past provincial election voters decided to vote for a liar, who has not held his part of the bargain instead of a man who seemed quite genuine in his beliefs and stuck with them. It just goes to show you, people would rather vote for the devil they know than the devil they don't know...and that's unfortunate. There are a lot of individuals who try to make places better to live but continue to be shut down because people vote for the familiar face. That's why I've decided I can't live in Toronto any longer. Don't get me wrong, Toronto will always be home. It's where I was born, learned to drive, fell in love among other things, but it's just not the same. It's evident with the re-election of David Miler a while back that Torontonians are not ready to move forward, they want to move backwards. Well, you got what you wanted Toronto. Congrats, now hard working people are going to have to pay 60 dollars more a year to drive a car in Toronto (on top of the 75 we already pay) and it's going to be harder to buy a house with the property tax increase. Miller has even looked to throw in a alcohol tax but finally realized it wouldn't work because people could simply drive to Mississauga to buy alcohol and avoid the tax. Democracy??? Sure, whatever you say. I have no faith in the voters of Ontario. You've all let me down again.

Unknown Legend


Anonymous said...

I personally like how Miller continues to ask for Federal and Provincial help because he can't run this city. He figures he can f-up and then tax us more to fix the problems, then blame the fact that he isn't getting enough funding from other governments. Miller, just take blame on the fact that you CAN'T run this city, and stop taxing us to fix "our" needs....heck tell him to take a pay cut and use that money he needs....fucker.

Mike Kic

The Unknown Legend said...

Mike, love Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty or hate him, you gotta give him credit. Today he said to Miller "Enough is enough with the asking of handouts. Start doing your job." In so many words.

Anonymous said...

Now I know you’re not talking about John Tory when you say “genuine in his beliefs and stuck with them”. The man has no beliefs and then made the dumbest move of his career and flip-flopped on his faith-based schools idea. Did Ontario really have a choice in this election. Mcguinty has lied about things, but that is nothing compared to the radical ideas of Tory. We live in a multicultural province, and Tory’s brilliant idea was to set the clock back 100years and divide us all again. This may have worked out in your right-wing province of Alberta, but not here. I’m glad, as this is the only Ontario or, Canada for that matter, that I know, a multicultural one. (save for the separatist provinces of Alberta and Quebec). So maybe you’d be better off in Alberta, land of no tax, but one shared conservative thinking province. Just the type of democracy you’re looking for.

As for the NDP, they never really have a shot. I wouldn’t want them to run the province, but would like them to have a stronger voice, even as an opposition.

I don’t know how any sane person can love Flaherty. He screwed Ontario before as Minister, and now wants to bribe us again with this asinine GST reduction. I’m certain this man has never taken a math course before. Can’t blame him as he’s just following the Conservative game plan, “we won’t tax you, but don’t ask us for anything”.

Miller is a moron, but he is right about Toronto not getting their cut. And what’s with this bull about land transfer tax. First time buyers are spared up to $400K, and those selling to buy will not be hit as much as the press says. And spare me the outcry for $5/month more to drive a car. I bet I’ll see these same people at BestBuy next week.

Unknown said...

If you're going to leave Toronto, where are you going to go?
I might be moving to Toronto next year; or somewhere around the GTA. We're not sure yet. It's up in the air until sometime next year. It all depends on where Steve has to go for work.
Say nice things about Toronto. I'm already scared enough of the possiblity of moving to such a huge city. Just the airport alone is so intimidating.
I'm such a small town girl...