Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Buck Stops Here

The disappointment started about a week back. The dreaded sign in front of the Tim Hortons cash register which read "Effective July 9 2007, we will be raising our prices in order to stay competitive." My heart sank. This was it, this was the last straw. I'm a big coffee drinker, and when I mean big I don't mean I drink 2 cups a day. There are days I can have about 5 cups in my system before the noon hour comes along. So as you can probably tell, I did not take too kindly to this increase. I haven't popped by a Hortons since the robbery began, but from what I've heard large double-doubles are increasing from 1.40 to 1.47. Seven cents. For a cup of coffee? Yes it's true, you can pay up to a few bucks for a Starbuck's coffee but why would you want to? It's coffee. You know what coffee is? Beans and water. My problem really is the fact that Hortons wants us to believe they can't stay competitive without a rise in prices. That's absolute nonsense. If anybody should be raising prices it should companies like Coffee Time. Yes our American friends, their coffee tastes like soap and they're closing more than opening these days. Hortons is the biggest coffee chain in Canada. Instead of closing down, more and more are popping up as I'm writing this blog.

Well, the buck stops here...literally. Tim Hortons will not be getting my money. Unfortunately, you lost me when you tried to scam a loyal coffee drinker. Maybe it'll be good for me. I can finally begin to cut down on my coffee intake...oh wait, there's always McDonald's.

Unknown Legend


Anonymous said...

Ya it sucks that they're raising prices again, but hey last time I checked everyone is raising prices and yet we still shop and use their facilities. Why not ban the TTC then, they constantly raise prices. I know you're going to say we have no options, well with me I don't have any coffee options either. I'm a Tim's kind of guy and I'll drink it whatever price they make it. I know, I know (insert the It's the Principle comment from Pete here). By the way didn't Jay tickets increase from last year? I know that Big Mac combo wasn't always $6. Gas prices are always up, still pay for that....get the point?

Anonymous said...

I wrote that last comment by the way.

Mike Kic

Anonymous said...

You're a better man than I, Pete.

It'll take a hell of a lot more than 7 cents to keep me away from my XL double-double from Tim's.

I'm so weak...

Anonymous said...

McDonald's coffee is not the same.
This is life:( They want every penny they can get.
I think I just might start making my own lunch, and taking coffee from home:)
Gone are the days when I had to look kool.
Besides, I don't need a starbuck-whatever to make me feel important :P --Johanna

The Unknown Legend said...

Actually Johanna,

McDonald's coffee is really quite good. Check it out. It's very underrated.

Rebecca Foster said...

I wish I had invented something people get addicted to.

Anonymous said...

So Pete's a socialist now, I knew it. Never fell for that conservative cover anyways. Who've you been talking to, Fonz "the Union Man"

Why not just make Tim Hortons at home. Boil some water, sharpen a pencil, and add the shaving to the water and stir. Voila! Tastes just like Tim Hortons, maybe better.

Anonymous said...

I've always been more of a Second Cup girl. With coffee being a commodity it will increase when in short supply. Plus, the farmers are ripped off from the big coffee buyers. Maybe Tim's is starting to get their beans from the fair-trade market.

Also, McDonald's coffee is pretty good since they changed it about a year ago. It recently beat Starbucks in a blind tasting.


Anonymous said...

7 cents!!! hahahaha!!! 7 cents!!!
lordy. a nickle and two pennies.
how much more can your poor heart handle?