Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ta(n)x But No Ta(n)x

I could write their names a million times on this page and you still wouldn't know who they were, but sometimes out of the darkness there comes a hero and in some cases two who stand up for something they believe in and save the day. There are two such heroes in Toronto today. Sure they're not sports figures or individuals who have started programs for unemployed youth but that's not the point. Their names are Brian Ashton and Suzan Hall...and like many before them they will be punished for their beliefs. It looked bad, Mayor David Miller had his whole council brainwashed into believing it would be beneficial to the city of Toronto to add a land transfer tax (to people buying new homes) and a new 60 dollar vehicle registration fee. In the 3 1/2 years this man has been in power of this democratic dictatorship (if that's what you want to call it) he has never lost a vote on a key issue...until last night. I sat at the radio station watching the television wonder what would become of my city if this tax got passed. Everyone knew it was inevitable. Miller had the majority of his colleagues behind him, or so we thought. The question was whether the new taxes should be implemented or would the decision be put on hold till October 22 when the provincial election would take place (on October 10) In an amazing turn of events Miller and his followers lost 23-22. It was like something out of a fairytale and the reason behind it all...Councilors Brian Ashton and Suzan Hall, Mayor Miller's followers. If I know Miller like I think I know Miller he will make their lives a living hell. He has to councilor Rob Ford and Doug Holyday. In an age where people are afraid to speak their minds it's refreshing to see these councilors do the right thing. I wish I could say the same for my councilor Gloria Lindsay Luby. Who in all honesty isn't really my councilor cause I didn't vote for her and she really hasn't done anything for my area. People, we are being taxed to death here. Why don't Miller and his sheep take a pay hike? Well, they don't want it to come out of their pockets. They keep complaining Toronto has no money (the biggest city in Canada no money?) yet Miller just renovated his office for 2 million dollars. Hmmmm?!!? There are two problems here:
1) Toronto councilors spend a lot of money and then complain there is no money for the city...so how bout not spending money willy nilly.

2) Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty gave Miller and his crew the power to tax us when they wanted under the new City of Toronto Act...so remember this come October 10.

Here is a list of those who voted, remember who your councilors are so you can vote them out next time around:


1. Brian Ashton
2. Maria Augimeri
3. Mike Del Grande
4. Mike Feldman
5. Rob Ford
6. Mark Grimes
7. Suzan Hall
8. Doug Holyday
9. Cliff Jenkins
10. Chin Lee
11. Peter Milczyn
12. Denzl Minnan-Wong
13. Ron Moeser
14. Francis Nunziata
15. Case Oates
16. Cesar Palacio
17. John Parker
18. Anthony Perruzza
19. Bill Saundercook
20. David Shiner
21. Karen Stinz
22. Michael Thompson
23. Michael Walker


1. Paul Ainslie
2. Sandra Bussin
3. Shelley Carroll
4. Raymond Cho
5. Janet Davis
6. Glen De Baeremaeker
7. Frank Di Giorgio
8. John Filion
9. Paula Fletcher
10. Adam Giambrone
11. Adrian Heaps
12. Norm Kelly
13. Gloria Lindsay Luby
14. Giorgio Mammoliti
15. Pam McConnell
16. Joe Mihevc
17. David Miller
18. Howard Moscoe
19. Joe Pantalone
20. Gord Perks
21. Kyle Rae
22. Adam Vaughan


Anonymous said...

Amazing. Just when I think the city can’t take any further steps backwards, it does a 180 and a sprint for the start line.

Miller was always a moron who preached no new taxes to get votes and the city believed him. He finally grew up and started making decisions. For the first time, he had the right idea. But, we still have unqualified children at City Hall making decisions for the rest of us.

Unfortunately councilors are politicians and play the game of politics. Anyone who believes they voted for their constituents rather than their pockets should build a boat and live in the ocean. Those councilors, who voted against the tax, did so only to try and defeat Miller and get their name in the paper. They know votes can come back to haunt them, so come next election they can instead parade to their ward that they voted against this tax. Then you have those who voted for it. They either did it because they are still loyal sheep to Miller, or, they did so because they had balls, and those who had the balls are the people who should be commended.

People in this city want all the luxuries given to them, but are not willing to pay for it. Ask them instead what their brilliant idea is on where to get money to pay for services and infrastructure, and they go mute. It’s ok for the province to tax them, but not the city. Instead of running our own city with our own money, we have to beg for handouts from the province.

If you want to see Toronto’s future, drive down the QEW and follow the signs that say Hamilton.

The Unknown Legend said...

The thing is Toronto is always asking us to pay more taxes...just wondering where the ones we already pay go? I mean, I don't know but I remember there being a tuition hike in the TTC twice or even 3 times in the last couple of years, where did that money go? Didn't Miller and his boys just give themselves raises? How come nobody questions that? Dom, TTC's a joke. I think the Millerites voted with their leader because they believed every word he told them and they believed there was no way this tax wasn't going to pass...WRONG!! Balls? I don't know about that, I do know that they have egg on their face and now they're worried as to what the people in their riding are gonna think. Loyal to the leader.

Anonymous said...


all inevitable

and btw...giving yourself a raise is awesome.