Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sometimes I Wonder...

I'm sitting here this morning thinking...exactly what am I doing? I've been left feeling very discouraged lately. Seems like I'm not moving forward but only standing still. This really isn't how I pictured myself at this stage in my life. I have chosen a career most would think of calling suicide. It's been very difficult and very frustrating day in day out. I'm tired of waiting for that big break. I've worked very hard to get to where I am...but where exactly am I? Sometimes when I'm sitting alone I get to thinking and I wonder if it'll get any better. Maybe I should stop trying to live this pipe dream and get something that'll put food on the table and give me a steady life. I'm feeling more and more like an out of work actor. I feel worthless today. Sometimes I wonder, why bother?

Unknown Legend


JillVicious said...

Dearest Pete,

I know exactly what you're going through. I posted something like this myself just yesterday.

I'm not sure if it will get any better, but believe me, nothing fries my bacon like seeing people who were considered equal to myself doing so much better than me.

Apparently we just have to keep our heads high and hopefully we'll both be doing better than we are now.

Anonymous said...

"this stage in my life" - what stage is that, exactly?

The Unknown Legend said...

The stage where I should be settling down and starting a family instead of looking for a steady job.

Anonymous said...

Trust me Pete, you're not the only one in that "stage in your life" some people never stop looking for a career that suits them, they continously change jobs and desire more. It all works out in the end, and we make due with what we have. Stop trying to plan for life so much, just do what you want and figure things out later. If you plan too much you won't enjoy it when you have it, and then it'll pass you by.

Mike Kic

JillVicious said...

Yes, them too.

The same to you. If I find something, I'll let you know.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need Dom’s Super 4 plan.

1. The first thing to do is stop doing things you did 4 years ago, break the habits. (ie. going to the Ex) As for work, don’t stay in the same position for more than 4 years. Either get a different position, or leave the company. This follows until you are 40.

2. Get rid of useless, time consuming activities such as blogging and Facebook.

3. Stop trying to impress yourself and others. Most people end up trying to impress people they don’t even really like anyways. If you did like them, you wouldn’t need to impress them. Don’t impress yourself with things that don’t affect you.(ie. some guy you haven’t seen in 4 years is getting married, a celebrity dying, Jays score, US politics…)

4. 4-get all the so-called "life rules and plans" to live by. [yes, that includes these]

The Unknown Legend said...


You couldn't have said it better. So next time we talk politics we really won't have nothing to talk about since I won't know what's going on. Um, secondly...not knowing what's going on is not going to help my broadcasting career. Maybe these are 4 steps for other careers.

Anonymous said...


I know exactly how you feel, buddy. I'm currently job hunting just to get the fuck out of radio forever. I've realized I've completely fallen out of love with it and it's not what I want to do with my life.

If I find another job, I'll be quitting Classical 96, so if you're interested, I can recommend you to them. The only downside is (and I don't want to be overly bitter) that you'll probably get raped up the ass, salary-wise. And it would be for a production position, not announcing, which I know is your main interest.

I just find it kind of funny that everyone in our class is busting ass to get into the industry and I'm busting ass trying to get out!

Anyway, hang in there, man. Do what you think is best for yourself, not what others think is best for you.


JillVicious said...

*waiting for update*